Wednesday, May 21, 2008

May 2008

After writing from Enya's point of speech for the earlier chapters, I find it a bit funny at times, so I'll start from my own point of speech from now on.

After leaving my full-time job in mid Apr08, I'm enjoying having more time with Enya these days. Well, to make it more enjoyable and sustainable for me, and probably more beneficial to Enya, we're still sending Enya to my aunt's office during the day, allowing me to have time to do my own things and still have energy to play with Enya later in the day. The difference is that I will send Enya to the office later somedays and pick her up earlier. A couple of times a week, I will bring Enya to swim and other times, play in her playroom, go for a walk within the estate, meet up with friends with kids or even just a trip to Whitesands shopping mall where Enya could see her favourite animal: Guinea Pigs at the Pet shop and have a tour of NTUC's fruits and veg section.

When Enya turned 1-yr old, we brought her to Darwin (This will be shared in another chapter that's yet to be written). The thing to mentioned here is that we got a big surprise when we were picking up some fruits at the supermarket in Darwin. Enya pointed to the apples and said "Apple"! Then when they walked to the bananas section, she pointed and said "Nana". That's how we started to always have a tour of the fruits and veg section whenever we go to the supermarket with her.

Currently at 19 months, Enya can say without prompting: Apple, Orange, Kiwi, Coconut, Grapes(her favourite), Papaya, Pineapple, Water melon, Banana, Corn, Carrot, Potato, Tomato, Vegetable (referring to Green Leafy ones) & Mushroom. When she says Mushroom, she'll say "Mommy cook" too. So cutie pie. We're continuing to teach her more fruits and vegetables whenever we visit the supermarket.

Almost 2 months ago, there was once I was at home with her and I heard her singing ABC. Not very clearly, but it was ABC. I got a big surprise and discovered that she probably learn from the Leap frog Phonics Bus that she was playing with. That's when I started to teach her to sing. Now at 19 months, she can sing Twinkle Twinkle, ABC, London Bridge, "Yishan Yishan" (Chinese version of twinkle twinkle), 2 little tweety bird and Baba Black Sheep clearly by herself. I'm teaching her other songs now, but revising these songs on goingly.

We went to a karaaoke session at Mom's Club for the Karaoke Session with Enya last Sat afternoon. She had such a great time Singing ABC, Twinkle Twinkle and London Bridge. Mom's friend came later and heard her singing. They were so amazed. I know Mom's very proud to show-off Enya's little talents to them. Well, we're very pleased too.

Henry doesn't have much time for Enya. He works late most of the days and distance is a big issue. We stay in Changi and his office is in Jurong. With the little time that he has with Enya, I could tell recently that she does quite a fair bit trying to please him and catch his attention. She'll go right in front of Daddy and sing the whole song for him waiting for him to clap and encourage her. Or at times, when she ask me to put on hair band for her, she would run to Daddy and show him after that. Things like that... So... if I were to also work late then imagine how poor thing our little Enya will be. Things shouldn't be this way. It's a good thing that I'm doing a career switch to be able to spend more time with Enya. Money can't buy all these...

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