Thursday, April 24, 2008

Feb & Mar07 (Mommy's Michelin Baby)

I was borned small at 2.8kg, but Mommy's always proud to say that I've grown much due to her nutricious breastmilk. As she took a lot of fish oil during that time, there's literally a layer of oil floating on the milk. Here are some pictures of me at 4.5 months old:) Mommy actually posed a birthday suit photo of me entitled "Michelin Baby" but decided to take it down cos I'm a gal, must be modest:)

Jiawei jiejie and Julian gorgor visited us. Their Mommies and Daddies were from the same Gentle Birth class as Mommy & Daddy.

Here's the videoclip:

Me and my Bumbo Chair. This is a design patented chair that enables me to sit and "be stucked" in it. Mommy said that the $75 for the chair was well spent, although I only sat in it for about 3 months before it became dangerous to me, cos I learnt to push myself out of it. At least during that 3 months, Mommy & Daddy could eat together without having to take turns to eat while the other having to look after me.

That's how many milk bottles I've got. Total count was 19 bottles. Mommy was very particular with hygiene when it comes to me, so all bottles can only be used once and had to be steriled before next use. I was having breastmilk, so feeding time was like 1 feed every 2-3 hours instead of regular 4 hrs feed for most other babies. Besides, mommy needed a few more bottles for expressing of milk at work. Washing the oily bottles were not an easy chore for Daddy. To avoid having to do it daily, Mommy & Daddy bought enough bottles to use for 2 days, so that Daddy only had to wash the bottles every other day.

Happy Baby Enya!

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