Monday, April 21, 2008

Princess Enya is borned

I'm 18 months old now and Mommy has finally decided that she'll start a blog for me to record all the wonderful things that have happened in our lives since I turned up in Oct06. Great attempt as both Mommy & Daddy are not the kind of people who will take and keep lots of photos. I was told that they even had problems finding enough pics of the both of them taken together for their wedding photo montage.

So here it goes:

Born on 11Oct06, I'm out after over 1 day of labour endured by Mommy and the excellent support that Daddy has given to Mummy. Mommy has given me a drug-free and gentle birth, that's why I'm borned very alert, with my eyes wide open and can suckle for milk straight after I'm out even before Dr Tseng got Daddy to cut my unbilical code:) Thanks Mummy & Daddy for giving me a wonderful start. To read my birth story, can go to Aunty Pat's website at Aunty Pat was Mommy's & Daddy's Birth Instructor. A wonderful and helpful lady:)

After over 1 day of pain and anticipation, here I am. Mommy & Daddy are both very proud of me and themselves for having a drug-free birth. Praise the Lord! & Thanks Aunty Pat for sharing with Mommy & Daddy what Gentle birth is and the goodness of a drug-free birth.

Mommy said I never looked like a baby since birth:) Here's my pic at 3 days old, discharging from Mt Alvernia hospital:)

See how well Daddy bathe me. Mom called Daddy a participative Dad as he's there all the way in taking care of me, including feeding (Although i was breastfed most of the time since birth till 8-10months), bathing and diaper changing. Dad's good in all of these. I'm fortunate to have a daddy like that.

Dad made an imprint on my head during the 1st month of my life, cos he held my head too tight during bath time. Luckily Mommy noticed and corrected it in time:)

See how yellowish I was in this pic? I was admitted to hospital again 1 week after discharge from the hospital. Jaundice! Poor Mommy admitted together with me so that she could continue to breastfeed and look after me. I was told that due to the need to hydrate being sun-tanned under the bili light, I kept on suckling for milk that resulted in tremendous soreness to mommy, but mommy persisted to breastfeed me, insisting in giving only the best to me. I was discharged after 3 days.

Great-grandma visited us and brought confinement food for Mommy despite being poor in her health. She was so weak at that time that she passed a gold pendent and chain to Mommy saying that that's the 1-yr old birthday present for me, saying that her health is not good and she didn't know what will happen in time to come. Mommy cried after great grandma went home that afternoon. Great grandma loves Mommy and me very much and we're glad that she's still with us today:) Mommy said it could be because she's happy seeing me all the time and happiness prolongs life:)

Happy Baby = Princess Enya

No doubt daddy did complain a bit and took quite a while to adjust to having a baby in his live with Mommy, he still loves Enya very much. See how pleased he is with Enya:)